Come To Join BiCity with my Refferal

Jason Miras
4 min readSep 13, 2023


The strategy you’ve mentioned appears to be a referral or affiliate marketing strategy where users can earn tokens by sharing referral links with their colleagues, family, and friends. This strategy is commonly used by platforms, projects, and businesses to promote their services and expand their user base. Here’s how this strategy typically works:

  1. Unique Referral Links: Users are provided with unique referral links or codes that are associated with their accounts.
  2. Sharing: Users share these referral links with their network, which includes colleagues, family, friends, and potentially a broader audience through social media, email, or other communication channels.
  3. New User Sign-Up: When someone clicks on a referral link and signs up or takes a specific action (such as making a purchase or joining a platform), they become a referred user.
  4. Reward Distribution: The user who shared the referral link is rewarded with tokens or other incentives. The reward may be a fixed amount of tokens, a percentage of the referred user’s activity, or other benefits.
  5. Tracking: The platform typically tracks referrals and ensures that rewards are accurately distributed to referrers.
  6. Terms and Conditions: There are often terms and conditions associated with referral programs, including eligibility criteria, limitations, and guidelines for ethical sharing.
  7. Promotion: The platform may actively promote the referral program to encourage users to participate. This can include marketing emails, in-app notifications, and promotional materials.

Benefits of a referral strategy like this can include:

  • User Growth: It can help the platform attract new users and expand its user base.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional advertising and marketing, referral programs can be cost-effective because they reward users based on actual conversions.
  • Network Effect: It leverages the user’s existing network to create a network effect, where referrals can lead to more referrals.
  • Incentivization: Users are incentivized to share the platform or product with others, which can lead to increased engagement.
  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Referral programs tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing, which can be highly influential.

However, it’s important to manage referral programs carefully to ensure that they are fair, transparent, and compliant with legal and regulatory requirements. Additionally, monitoring for any fraudulent or unethical behavior is crucial to maintain the integrity of the program.

Users participating in referral programs should also be aware of the program’s terms and conditions, as well as any tax implications associated with receiving rewards or tokens.

The strategy you mentioned appears to be a referral or affiliate marketing strategy, often used by projects or platforms to incentivize users to promote their services or products by referring new users. In this case, the goal seems to be to encourage users to share links to the BiCity platform with their colleagues, family, and friends in exchange for the opportunity to earn tokens. Here are some key points to consider with this strategy:

  1. Incentivizing Growth: Referral programs are effective in driving user acquisition and growth because they tap into the networks and connections of existing users.
  2. Token Rewards: Users are motivated to participate in the referral program due to the potential to earn tokens, which can have real value.
  3. Network Effect: As more users join the platform through referrals, the network effect can take hold, leading to exponential growth as new users refer others.
  4. Ease of Sharing: Make it easy for users to share referral links through various channels such as email, social media, or messaging apps.
  5. Tracking Mechanism: Implement a tracking system to ensure that users are properly credited for the referrals they generate. This often involves using unique referral links or codes.
  6. Transparent Rules: Clearly communicate the rules and terms of the referral program, including how rewards are earned, when they are distributed, and any limitations or restrictions.
  7. Fraud Prevention: Implement measures to prevent fraudulent referrals or misuse of the program.
  8. Communication: Keep participants informed about their progress in the program and when they can expect to receive their token rewards.
  9. Compliance: Ensure that the referral program complies with relevant regulations, especially if it involves the distribution of tokens, which may have legal implications.
  10. User Experience: Maintain a positive user experience by not overloading users with referral requests and ensuring that the platform’s core functionality remains intact.
  11. Scalability: Be prepared to handle increased user activity as the referral program succeeds in attracting new users.
  12. Feedback and Improvement: Collect feedback from users participating in the program to make improvements and adjustments as needed.
  13. Long-Term Engagement: Consider how to keep referred users engaged with the platform beyond their initial sign-up to promote long-term retention.

Referral programs can be a valuable component of a platform’s growth strategy, but they should be executed thoughtfully and ethically to ensure the best results for both the platform and its users.








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